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Downloading YouTube Vods

To download YouTube VODs, there are several options. To name the programs I use:

4k Video Downloader:


4k Video Downloader:

This is pretty self explanatory as to how to use it, but since it sometimes makes problems, I'm currently using YTDLP.


You can download YT-DLP from here:

For yt-dlp, the following command works - just copy and paste this into a command line window (windows key +r then enter cmd and press enter to open it) after installing yt-dlp:

yt-dlp -f mp4 Insert-Youtube-URL-here -o OUTPUTNAME

Example of it downloading a video:

To change the format, just change the "mp4" to your desired output format; to change the output name, simply change "OUTPUTNAME" into the desired name you want to use for the VOD.

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