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To directly download VODs directly from Twitch, you have several options. The ones I use, I will be putting here into this example:
You can download Twitch Leecher from here: https://github.com/Franiac/TwitchLeecher
Twitch Leecher's best use is to download past broadcasts, as you can simply download VODs by inputting the channel name:
Clicking on search shows the past two months of VODs:
As you can see in this screenshot, Twitch Leecher also shows you if a VOD has muted parts. Just so you are aware of it, unless you live recorded the VOD, there is no way to restore audio that was muted by Twitch - once the Stream is over and the audio gets muted, its lost forever if you didn't download it before the stream is over, as Twitch DMCA bots start muting parts of the VOD once the stream is over. If you don't want to live record the VOD, your best option to save the audio is by downloading the stream while it is still live. Twitch Leecher cannot do this - however, Twitch Downloader can.
As you can see, Twitch Downloader can also download the chat, clips and render the chat.json file into a video. You can download Twitchdownloader from here: https://github.com/lay295/TwitchDownloader
Simply open Twitch Downloader, click on 'VOD Downloader', and input the VOD link that you can get from the 'Recent Broadcasts' tab:
Put that link into the 'Vod/Link ID' tab, click on 'Get info', then press download, select where to save the VOD and it starts downloading the VOD:
So what I basically do to archive a karaoke stream to make sure there aren't any muted parts, for example, is by starting up Streamlink/Twitch Recorder and then getting what I missed of that stream with Twitch Downloader and merging those files with FFmpeg for the final VOD.
Of course, this only works if VODs are enabled. This is one way to save VODs before they get muted - but live recording a VOD is always the best option, to make sure you won't have muted parts. The thing I described here is one way to make sure there won't be any muted parts, which happens in many VODs, some VODs get completely butchered due to this.
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