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Linux is a strange beast. On the one hand, many of these applications are available in Linux, with commands that are similar to their Windows counterparts with changes only to fit the bash command prompt. On the other, some things are not available at all, or are available only in a difficult to install form. Here are some basics you need to look out for:
FFmpeg is the Swiss Army knife of video. As such, it's usually available directly from your system's package manager. It should be under the name ffmpeg there. Once installed, you should be able to run it anywhere as this guide instructs.
Streamlink is also rather basic, however it's not guaranteed to be included in your system's package manager. If it isn't there under any name, you could instead install pip, a more fundamental tool. Pip is a package manager in and of itself, but only for Python programs.
After installing pip, run this command:
pip install --user --upgrade streamlink
This should install Streamlink easily. From here, you should be able to run it anywhere as this guide instructs.
Ytarchive is slightly more difficult, in that it has both a Python version and a compilable version written in Go. To acquire either of them, you will first want to install Go (or golang-go, or however your package manager names it). Then, simply running:
go install github.com/Kethsar/ytarchive@master
Should install ytarchive to your system.
If this doesn't work, then you may need the backup Python version. It's slower, but more reliable.
First, you need Git. Git is almost guaranteed to be in your package manager. Once it's installed, clone the repository containing ytarchive by navigating to a directory of your choice and entering this command:
git clone https://github.com/Kethsar/ytarchive
Once that's done, the repository will contain the source files for the Go version and ytarchive.py. This is what we want. While in the same folder, run it with python or python3 like so:
python ./ytarchive.py...
python3 ./ytarchive.py...
From here, it can be used as this guide instructs.
TwitchRecover doesn't have a native version for Linux. What it does have, however, is a Java version. This is good enough for our purposes.
First, install a Java Virtual Machine, preferably the latest version. Your package manager probably has a couple ready to be installed - the most popular one being OpenJDK. Then, simply navigate to https://github.com/TwitchRecover/TwitchRecover/releases/ and download the .jar. Make it executable by navigating to where it downloaded in a terminal and typing:
chmod a+x Twitch.Recover.jar
Then, simply run it using Java. Usually, this is done in the form of:
java -jar Twitch.Recover.jar
From here, it can be used as this guide instructs.
I've grouped the two together, as they are almost the exact same program - with the exception that most things youtube-dl can do, YT-DLP can do better. Youtube-dl is usually included in your distro\u2019s package manager, but YT-DLP is not always a sure shot. Instead, you can install YT-DLP with pip:
python3 -m pip install -U yt-dlp
Which tends to work.
The same method can be used to install youtube-dl, on the off chance your distro doesn't package it:
python3 -m pip install -U youtube-dl
From here, both of these programs can be used as the guide instructs.
Neither Twitch Leecher nor Twitch Downloader have a version for Linux, staying firmly Windows-only. While youtube-dl and YT-DLP work fine for downloading Twitch VODs, a better solution would be to use Twitch-dl (https://github.com/ihabunek/twitch-dl) instead. Twitch-dl is inspired by Youtube-dl, but optimized for Twitch - and can use multiple connections to speed up the download.
To install, make sure FFmpeg, Python 3, and Git are working, then clone the repository into a directory of your choice:
git clone https://github.com/ihabunek/twitch-dl
Then, enter the directory and run it with Python 3:
python3 twitch-dl ...
To download a given VOD, after finding its Video ID as the guide instructs:
twitch-dl download https://www.twitch.tv/videos/Video_ID_Here
To instead list the VODs a channel has:
twitch-dl videos Channel_name_here
This is just a basic rundown. Visit the GitHub page for more information.
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