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Here are a collection of tools you can use to aid in archiving VODs. Some of these are my own creation, some of them are from people I know, and one is completely anonymous in origin. These will be updated... eventually.

ePlay Recorder

This is a plugin for Streamlink which adds support for recording from ePlay. I include this, as it's far easier and more reliable than the solution I tried to create. It doesn't stop recording randomly, it doesn't take a minute to start recording, and it supports a variety of operating systems. So long as you have the tools to run Streamlink, this should work. Just drop it in your Streamlink plugins directory and use an ePlay URL in the subsequent Streamlink command.

All credit to an anonymous user on /aco/ who provided the script. Never provided a name.

Auto-Concatenator script for CTBrec

This is something I cooked up myself. CTBrec doesn't have a way to merge multiple segments into one, and its contact sheet system is lacking. This is my solution to both of those, and a way to generate a torrent too. It requires CTBrec, or any other program calling it, to provide a file named something like USER_D-AT-E_T-IM-E_BLA.ts.mp4. It also requires the timestamp. From there, it gathers all VODs from the same user within 6 hours of the VOD in question and concatenates them - provided the recording still isn't going, of course. It then generates a torrent file and contact sheet. This is highly Linux exclusive - it requires buildtorrent and Video Contact Sheet, which I haven't found for other systems. Still, if you are on Linux, and want a good way to share your VODs, you can do worse.