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If you have suggestion on how to improve this guide, or have questions or whatever, the best way to reach me would the the 4chan IRC channels (The kiwi links open a window to the IRC in your browser, which is useful if you don't have any IRC software installed):
#recanon at irc.rizon.net (Archiving Channel)
Kiwi Link: https://kiwiirc.com/nextclient/irc.rizon.net/#recanon
#/vt/ at irc.rizon.net (General Discussion Channel)
Kiwi Link: https://kiwiirc.com/nextclient/irc.rizon.net/#/vt/
I do have an Discord account I'm using for archive related stuff (Nyarchivist#5437), but I rarely check that account, so the IRC is the best way to reach me. If I'm not online at the time, you could let other people in there know if you need something from me, and they can relay the message to my main Discord account that I usually log into daily. I'm just keeping that account seperate from archiving related things, aside from people that I know well enough/people I trust.
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